Sunday, 13 January 2013

Day out with the camera

The Friday before last I decided to go out for the day specifically to take pictures. Its something I ought to do more often but I normally find that I'm taking photographs when out for another reason, walking the dogs visiting friends etc.

I decided to visit Oulton Broad and see if I could get some photographs with my MF Bronica of the many squirrels that I knew lived in the parkland at the edge of the Broad.

It wasn't a brilliant day weather wise being overcast and cold and so I was forced to use a fairly large aperature given that I wanted to keep my shuuter speed high. Also I used the longer of the two lens I have a 150mm which is the equivilent of about 100mm in 35mm terms.

This was the best of the bunch, the squirrels there are incredibly tame and next time I go I'll take some food for them which will hopefully keep them in one place longer.

The film was Delta 400 and exposure with the 150mm lens f4 1/125sec
One disadvantage of shooting with this set up  is the very narrow depth of field as illustrated on this photo, you can see from the ground that the distance in focus is only a few inches:

I decided to move on and see what I could find in Lowestoft to shoot on a cold dank cloudy January day and here's the result which I think sums up the day!

And finally down the coast at Pakefield:

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